Brewing Up Creativity

Building a Thriving Community Around Your Brand with Danielle Wiebe, Founder of Business Babes Collective

September 02, 2022 Danielle Wiebe Season 2 Episode 16
Building a Thriving Community Around Your Brand with Danielle Wiebe, Founder of Business Babes Collective
Brewing Up Creativity
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Brewing Up Creativity
Building a Thriving Community Around Your Brand with Danielle Wiebe, Founder of Business Babes Collective
Sep 02, 2022 Season 2 Episode 16
Danielle Wiebe

In Episode 54 of Brewing Up Creativity, Danielle LaBonté is joined with Danielle Wiebe, a community builder, collaboration expert, business strategist, and founder behind Business Babes Collective.

If you've been wanting to build a community or network to meet like-minded individuals, Danielle W. brings a lot of information to the table to discuss how she developed the well-known brand Business Babes Collective and the ins-and-outs of the industry.

Catch What's Inside The Episode:

- Where Danielle started in her entrepreneurial journey (is college/business school worth it?)
- How Danielle found herself creating a community for female entrepreneurs
- How Danielle set out to create a brand that appeals to so many women across the world
- The best and hardest part of running a community that provides value to a wide audience

Learn About Danielle Wiebe:

Danielle is a community builder, collaboration expert, business strategist and the founder of Business Babes Collective, a global community for female entrepreneurs. With over 10 years of entrepreneurial experience in multiple different industries, (Including Sales for High-End Electronics, Health & Wellness, Weddings, Conferences & Digitial Marketing), Danielle loves teaching women to create strategic and profitable collaborations, as well as building a strong foundation and systems to be able to scale their businesses without having to work around the clock. In the first 5 years of building Business Babes Collective, Danielle and her Team were able to launch into 5 chapters across North America. In 2020, the business was re-imagined with a huge emphasis on providing digital resources and support for Female Entrepreneurs.

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Show Notes Transcript

In Episode 54 of Brewing Up Creativity, Danielle LaBonté is joined with Danielle Wiebe, a community builder, collaboration expert, business strategist, and founder behind Business Babes Collective.

If you've been wanting to build a community or network to meet like-minded individuals, Danielle W. brings a lot of information to the table to discuss how she developed the well-known brand Business Babes Collective and the ins-and-outs of the industry.

Catch What's Inside The Episode:

- Where Danielle started in her entrepreneurial journey (is college/business school worth it?)
- How Danielle found herself creating a community for female entrepreneurs
- How Danielle set out to create a brand that appeals to so many women across the world
- The best and hardest part of running a community that provides value to a wide audience

Learn About Danielle Wiebe:

Danielle is a community builder, collaboration expert, business strategist and the founder of Business Babes Collective, a global community for female entrepreneurs. With over 10 years of entrepreneurial experience in multiple different industries, (Including Sales for High-End Electronics, Health & Wellness, Weddings, Conferences & Digitial Marketing), Danielle loves teaching women to create strategic and profitable collaborations, as well as building a strong foundation and systems to be able to scale their businesses without having to work around the clock. In the first 5 years of building Business Babes Collective, Danielle and her Team were able to launch into 5 chapters across North America. In 2020, the business was re-imagined with a huge emphasis on providing digital resources and support for Female Entrepreneurs.

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This episode is affiliated with Creative Market.

Danielle: Creativity is contagious. Pass it on in any way possible. Albert Einstein.

Hi creatives. So happy to have you tune into our second season of bring of creativity. I'm your host bonk, a Toronto based graphic designer and serial entrepreneur. Looking to spread awareness on pursuing your creative passions or endeavors, whether it be in business, a side hustle or hobby, you name it.

Welcome back to an all new episode of bringing up creativity. Today I am joined with Danielle. Danielle is a community builder, collaboration expert, business strategist, and the founder of business babes collect. A global community for female entrepreneurs with over 10 years of entrepreneurial experience in multiple different industries, including sales for high end electronics, health and wellness, weddings conferences, and digital marketing.

Danielle allows teaching women to create strategic and profitable collaborations, as well as building a strong foundation and systems to be able to scale their businesses without having to work around the. Hi, Danielle. Thank you so much for joining me. I love your name. . I'm excited to have you 

Guest: here. Aw, thanks Danielle.

I'm super excited to be here and I'm really honored that you asked me to be on. I'm really 

Danielle: excited about today's topic. I love talking about community and networking and finding just almost like, uh, sisters or brothers or anybody that you can really unite with. Expand and meet new people. I find it's really important.

I know we've been out of the pandemic for a bit, but knowing that we can meet like-minded people and find a better circle for ourselves while showing what we love to do, and perhaps meeting people that love to do what we do as well, or can compliment it. I'm super excited 

Guest: to chat about this with you.

I'm so excited. I know community is like one of my favorite things to talk about. So I am very excited to, to chat with you about it as well. You've created 

Danielle: an amazing community for yourself, so there's absolutely nobody better to chat about with this, but before we hop into all those details, I wanna ask you first, what's your go to coffee or tea order?

Guest: Oh, okay. Great question. Because I feel like it's switching up all the time now. So this is actually a challenging question for me right now. So I actually recently have been doing, like, anytime I go to a coffee shop, I'll do because it's summer and I'm liking all like the iced things I'm doing, like, um, tea, lemonade type things.

So any like Berry tea, kind of like lemonade situation. I'm, I'm all about it. I, that. 

Danielle: So refreshing. And I think that's one thing that I've just been lacking. I just constantly am dehydrating myself with coffee and I don't know what to do when I hit an afternoon or I run to that coffee shop. And like, I think, do I need to dehydrate myself further?

Or should I go another route? Sometimes you do crave, something like that in the summer. Not sometimes pretty much always. There's a point of the day 

Guest: where you need something like that. Yeah, well, and I find too, cuz I always have coffee. First thing in the morning. I love my coffee. Don't get me wrong. But then I find like, afternoon, I just like, I want that refreshing kind of like thirst, quenching type thing.

And I feel like usually now, especially with my baby girl, we go up for a walk every afternoon. So like if I'm gonna go to a coffee shop, I'm probably doing that in the afternoon at ed. I don't really wanna be drinking coffee at. Exactly. So I feel like this, the tea situations is, is a good, is a good option for me right now.

Danielle: it is a very good option. I actually find myself declining. Like even if I'm with a group of friends or family events and they offer you well, I'm Italian. So every time you finish a meal, they offer you, um, a coffee or an espresso. And I'm always declining because I. Sleep. Right. So I always think, you know, I would love another alternative that just won't impact my sleep schedule and, uh, so that I'm not wired until 1:00 AM in the morning.

And then I 

Guest: keep my life the next day. yeah, totally. Oh, that's so good. Yes. 

Danielle: Let's. Rewind a little bit. I wanna hear about you and your story and how it led you to create a community for female 

Guest: entrepreneurs. Yeah. Okay. So basically I sort of grew up with entrepreneurship all around me. So my OPPA started a business when he moved to Canada when he was about 20 years old.

And so my family has always had that kind of family business. And so that I grew up with. And then also when I got older, my mom started her own business. And so I kind of saw this kind of entrepreneurial sort of thread in my family. And so it kind of sparked this, I guess, also knowing that that was an option, which I think a lot of people that I talked to.

They kind of grew up in families where they don't even know that that is even an option for them. And so entrepreneurship has always been really interesting to me. And so I went to school for business and I studied entrepreneurship. And, you know, obviously during school, you know, you, you learn sort of the concepts around it and ideas, which was really helpful.

But I think that when I learned the most about entrepreneurship was actually starting to freelance. So I did that during university. I was really passionate about marketing. So I would work for these companies and I would contract myself out and help them with their blogs or help them with their social media.

And that was really cool, like a really cool experience just to work with other brands and really figure out, okay, what does this look like? And one of the things that I really loved, because before that I had worked in the restaurant industry, I had worked in spas and all that kinda stuff, and I was.

Told, you know, when to show up and I was told what to do and like all these things. So I loved the idea that with, you know, freelancing, I'm like, oh, I can actually choose my own hours. And yeah, I have certain deadlines and different things, but I can be super flexible. You know, I can work in an evening or work in the morning before my class or whatever.

And so I loved that idea that I could work it around my own schedule. So that's kind of what started my journey of entrepreneurship. Since then, I've done a lot of different. Businesses I've started businesses with business partners. I've, you know, I was in the health and wellness industry for a while.

And then it was really when I started realizing that I loved events, that I kind of realized that I wanted to do something that would allow me to host events. And so. Really what happened was I started going to these networking events for entrepreneurs. And when I would go there, I would feel like kind of a fish outta water.

I was one of the only women there. I was usually one of the youngest people there. Yeah. And I thought, okay, this is interesting. Like all the people that are here are like, 10 to 15 years into business. I feel so out of place, like everyone would always kind of look at me like, what is this girl doing here?

Like, who does she think she is? And so it was really this point where I thought, okay, I think there's more people like me out there who are looking for community who are looking for places to meet other people to network. But at the time there wasn't really many resources for people like me. And so. I decided to host my first little popup event.

And I think the first event we had was like 10 people. And then it just sort of snowballed from there. Like after that first event people asked like, Hey, when's your next one? I'm like, okay. I guess I'll host another one. And I started this meetup group and it just sort of. Really organically snowballed from there.

And that sort of led us into hosting these bigger scale events. We started bringing on panel speakers. We started having like sponsors and vendors and all of this kind of thing. And so that's really what started the journey. And then of course, you know, 2020 happened and we pivoted our entire, it changed a back, but, uh, yeah, that's kind of how, how, it's, how it all started.

So many 

Danielle: valuable things, actually, from your story that I just wanna kind of like take from what you just said a little bit, and to be honest, some questions popped up while you were talking about your story. First one being, you mentioned you grew up around entrepreneurs, which I think. Is really different and kind of exciting.

It's inspiring and allows you to realize that actually 100% can be possible. I'm glad you highlighted that. Not everybody did have that, but you did. Mm-hmm and I feel like you could have gone the other route of working for other people for the rest of your life. You definitely did try it out and you didn't like it, which is always great.

I love when we're able to identify something just isn't for us. And I truly feel like it's like, it's that trait of. I feel like an entrepreneurial mindset. We don't like being told what to do. Yeah. And that's one of the first key things. And I feel like we had this horrible gut instinct in our stomach.

That is just not for us. And I think when I fell that way, at least I thought, wow, this sucks. Like, I, I wanna feel like everybody else. I know because I came from a different background where I didn't have the entrepreneurs behind me, different family members, maybe friends, and no one had done it. I think everyone thought.

Crazy. And they thought, well, you should be working for this person or this company for longer. Why do you wanna leave? Why do you like, I don't understand. Freelancing is okay. But like part-time, and I was convinced for the longest time that I was just gonna freelance part-time for the rest of my life. So I'm super happy that you had that you proceeded to go to school because you have this huge interest in business.

Yeah. Do you find that your success started off from going to school or do you think it was from testing the waters and 

Guest: Lance. Yeah, it's so funny because I, I think about that a lot. I don't regret going to school because I think it gave me, I think one of the things that it gave me is discipline. Yes. So I think regardless of your journey, if you can have experience, whether it be working for someone else or whether it be, you know, studying really hard for something or whatever that is, I learned that discipline.

I mean, I think it is in some ways ingrained in me um, from, you know, my parents and everything. Like I was always taught to work hard and all of that. However, I think that just the experience of going to school, you know, having to hand in assignments and doing tests and all of that. And then on top of that, the social aspect of it, I think was really key.

And I got really involved in my school. And so I think that tactical education that I. Although, I think any education, it teaches you how to think it opens up your mind. I think all learning is good learning. However, I, a lot of the stuff that I learned in school, I can't really. Translate into my business now, however, a lot of like the social aspect of things.

And like I said, teaching me discipline all of that. And so I try to take what I learned in school, even if it's not like the actual tactical, like, you know, Yeah, smart things and apply it to my business. And I think any experience, no matter what your background is, you didn't go to school. You did whatever, like look at what those experiences taught you, whatever that was.

Maybe you were on welfare, maybe you were homeless for a while. Like, what did that teach you? Right. Like there's experiences in your life that actually teach you really valuable lessons. And so I. Taking from your past and really figuring out how is this helping me in my future rather than, oh, this happened.

So I'm not, you know, I didn't go to school. So that means I can't be successful yeah. In business. Or I didn't have a job before I started an entrepreneurship. So I don't have what it takes or I did have a job. So I don't have what it takes. Like everyone kind of makes up their own excuse. I find, but really like, we all have different backgrounds and we all have D.

Things. And I think I let, I actually let that hold me back for a while, was that I felt like I didn't have enough experience in entrepreneurship to pursue hosting this community. I actually, for the longest time did feel like that imposter was hosting these events for entrepreneurs. When I, myself didn't feel like I had enough experience yet to do that.

Yeah. And so I think no matter where we come from, we're always gonna have that sort of imposter. And it's gonna come up. And I mean, man, I don't know where it comes from, but it's just this kind of feeling of like, I'm not good enough or I don't feel like I'm experienced enough to do this. So I definitely felt that for.

Danielle: Yeah. And like, thank you for walking through the different waves and the different viewpoints of how you can expand or start a business. And you don't need to come from a specific background and you loved having an education and doing that because you felt it benefited you, but for somebody else, their story could be completely different and they may not be in the position or want to go to school.

I think some people are either like super for it and they. Super mandatory to go, or they're super against it. And they think you can start one without it. And I think either way helps you. I mean, sounds like you enjoyed your experience at school. I personally did as well. So I always say to people, it was a great foundation.

It laid down a great foundation for me, but life experiences. And I'm glad I started freelancing when I did, because that taught me my business skills. Cause I did not go to school for business. I wish they offered some courses in it, in the program that I was in. I tried to get into it, but really, for some reason, it wasn't talked about in graphic design much.

So that was one thing that was unfortunate. But then I became a part of the committee and I was trying to push it because you can start a business in graphic design. I kept talking about applying, applying for jobs, but you can totally go the other route. So I'm happy that we can have this conversation because I think some people are either completely against it or completely for it.

thank you so much for pointing out those values because truly everybody comes from a different walk of life. Like you said, and you found the gap, Danielle, like you found the gap at when you, you went to your first event and. You were the only girl and, or maybe one of few. Yes. And you thought, well, how can I, you know, go to these events and push it towards other females or non-binary individuals that want to learn more and expand and network and find a circle of people.

But what I see with the event that you've created today in the community that you created today, obviously you've come a long way. You've created. Strong brand. Like as soon as I see you online, I know it's you, I know it's your, your community, the event. You've got a very strong look and tone to it. So how did you set out to create that brand that would appeal to these individuals, looking to join a community and meet other people?

Guest: Yeah, thank you for asking that and, and thank you for that compliment. That means a lot to me. Um, I think for me, I really wanted to create the type of community that I wanted to be a part of. I wanted something that was really welcoming and really. Positive. And I wanted it to feel like no matter, yeah, no matter who you are, no matter what your background is, you are welcome here and you're welcome to come.

Whether you are already an entrepreneur and you've been in business for 10, 20 years, or if you are just dreaming of starting your own business someday, like you are welcome. And so I think that for me, was huge, like creating a community where you did not have to feel. Down for asking questions that you could come with all your questions, you could come, you know, not knowing anyone and still have a really great experience.

And, you know, I think over the years, of course, like it has changed and evolved, but really the heart behind it has always been like inclusivity and figuring out how can we make a safe space so that everyone can feel. Safe there. And everyone can feel like, okay, I want to start this business, but I don't know who to go to.

I don't know who to ask about it. I don't know if this is even like possible for me and just to kind of show up and ask questions. And then for people who are maybe really far along in business, but they're like, I don't have any business connections. Like I feel lonely. I'm working at home all day. I, you know, I feel like I need to expand my network.

And so, yeah. I love that. Through our community. A lot of people have met and connected and, you know, there's people that have started businesses together. There's people that have just become like really close, like friends. There's people that imagine become best friends. And it's just, that's really what keeps me going and lights me up because I think that loneliness and entrepreneurship is.

Is is a huge thing. Like you just feel like a lot of us don't have other people in our lives who are in the same stage as. and that we can talk to that we can just be open with and transparent. And that's what I've also tried to foster with both the events. And then also now the podcast is like, yeah, having those open and honest conversations about entrepreneurship and how yeah.

It's, it's not always easy and these are the struggles that are happening. And so, yeah. And then now that I'm in this kind of podcasting space, that's so fun to network with other podcasters like yourself and, you know, share, share experiences and share stories. So that's something. I've always been really passionate about

Danielle: hi creators. As some of you may know, or you may be a part of, we've been sending out monthly newsletters for our creative insiders since the beginning of 2022, with the amazing platform flow desk floes allows us. Business owners to create gorgeous email designs, which, you know, I find very important that stand out and create traction for selling and connecting by subscribing a flow desk through the link below in our show notes, you can save 50% off your first year with flow desk, which is an amazing deal to start creating beautiful emails.

This may just be your sign to revamp the way you've been sending. Or to start an email list. Can't wait to see what you create with flow desk creatives. Let's get back to the episode.

Yes. It's like crazy that you found a way to like expand even further beyond doing events. I mean, obviously we had to go virtual for quite some time. So being able. To podcast and get that passion and love out of meeting new people. Mm-hmm is a great way to consider expanding when we had no choice or just out.

Love and passion because you love meeting other people, which clearly is a huge part of your life. And so happy that you also said that it's to create a welcoming space and it doesn't matter where anybody's point in their journey is they could not be an entrepreneur yet and could be considering it.

They could have just started and only been in it for a couple of years. And then there's some people that will have been in business for 20 years. Large of a group and a demographic is quite amazing because if you are able to create an environment where everybody feels included, mm-hmm , that would be such an inspiring space to be included and be a part of, because I would love to learn from the people that have been in.

Business for 20 years. And I would also love to learn from the people that haven't started yet, but have these ideas that they wanna expand on and they wanna touch on with people that might, you know, there's always something we can learn from anybody. And it, I, I always say to people, although we might wanna talk to the person that has that 20 years of experience, I also wanna talk to somebody that's got that idea brewing in the back of their head and they don't know where to start yet.

Like, I would love to talk to people about that. Super happy that you, that you created a space that allows everybody to have a. 

Guest: Yeah. And I think too, like, like you said, we always think like, oh, I, I need to be with people who are in my same, you know, stage and, and yes, there is something to that. Like I think that is so beautiful when you can connect with people that are your same stage, but even like, you know, like you said, people that have these.

Really cool ideas. And I, I find too that when people are just getting into entrepreneurship too, they have that excitement and they have that, like they do drive. And I think that that is really inspiring as well, because you know, it reminds you to go back to, okay, why did I start this business in the first place?

Yes. What got me excited? Like what woke me up in the middle of the night or. You know, I was staying up till one, two in the morning with all these ideas and excitement for my business. And how can we bring some of that back into our businesses as well. And then, like you said, people that are, you know, have been years like decades into business, you know, that valuable wisdom that they have that they can share too.

And I think the biggest thing that I always say for like the type of people that I want in my community are people who. Open to learning, like they're lifelong learners. They don't feel like, oh, because I have this much experience. Like I know everything and I don't have anything to learn. Yes. Yeah. Like, okay, well then.

Like nice. You don't need that. Right. So I think, I don't know. I consider myself a lifelong learner. I feel like I've just scratched the surface. You know, I've been technically an entrepreneur for like 10 years, but I honestly feel like I've just scratched the surface of like things I can learn. And I feel like I'm learning new things every single day.

So I think it's important to just have that mindset. Yes. And it's gonna be a lot more fun if you just have that mindset of connection and. I can learn from all of these different people and build relationships. It, it makes it more exciting. yes. Being 

Danielle: open minded and wanting to learn from so many people that come from different walks of life is just, I would rather be surrounded by new people that are always willing to talk about anything and everything.

And like you said, like sometimes it can get emotional, like you guys are talking about where you come from, or maybe some points in business, or before you got started, like you there's different points that everybody hits in life. And that that's the thing it's like ups and. You're an entrepreneur, whether it's throughout the journey and the beginning of the journey.

Well, to be honest, it's throughout the whole entire journey, but yes, I still feel like I'm scratching the surface as well. It's the same thing for me about 10 years. And I sometimes I'm like, wow, I've learned so much since the first two years that I started. But really if I sit down and think about it, like there's still so much that I planned to do and that I'm learning to do.

And if talking to other people will help me. That's amazing because we can all help each other. Even if we're talking to someone that just started, like you said, like it's absolutely amazing. And I, I love that kind of a space that you've created and it makes me think, like, I feel like it can get lonely.

I'm not really active in a million different spaces and events and networking circles. I don't do that. Maybe it's because naturally I am an introvert and I get scared from it. But knowing that. Go out of your way to make sure that anybody, no matter the type of entrepreneur or a person that you are, you will feel welcomed and you might even just meet a person.

That's just kind of like you in a similar state where you're, you're not as outgoing and able to put yourself out there, but if you get to watch somebody else do it, I think that's very inspiring. So you can then feel like you can share your story 

Guest: as well. Yeah. Yeah. And I think too, like one of the things that I always try to encourage people is.

And this goes for whether you are meeting people in person or online, is that everyone else is also like awkward and weird. Like, you know, like you just have to, we all are , it's just like, everyone feels nervous. Like I consider myself an outgoing person, but I'm also shy at the same time. It's weird. But every time I go to reach out to someone new, or every time I go to connect with a new person, I'm always in the back of my mind, just like.

Nervous because I'm like, what is this person gonna think? Or like, you know, I've gotten better at like moving through those emotions and just not letting it hold me back, if that makes sense. However, yes. I still have those moments of like, oh, is this person gonna like, think I'm weird? Or like, if I send them a message, like, What are they gonna think?

Or like, I don't know. So it's, it's this, this realization that no matter who that other person is, you can think of them and you can, maybe you admire them or you're like, oh my goodness, this person's been able to accomplish so much, but they're just as awkward as you are. Like you're, they're just as like, they have the same insecurities.

Yeah. They've got like things that they're, you know, they're dealing with in their own life. So if we can just realize that, like, everyone. Is also human. And so, you know, it makes it less intimidating to build new connections. I think we often just think that like other people have it all figured out and yeah, we do.

We absolutely don't. Yeah, 

Danielle: yeah, no one does, but I will think I, I still catch myself thinking that way. Like I'm like what look up. Perfectly put together. They are, their makeup looks fabulous. Hair's great. But you have no idea if they even, like, I don't know, woke up on the right side of the bed that day.

Like you have no clue what's going on 

Guest: behind closed doors. Absolutely. Absolutely. And I, I think it's just, yeah, I always say too, like, even if you, okay, this is like, actually just a tip, like if you're gonna go to, cause I know world is opening up a bit more people are going to actually in-person events.

Like if you walk in the room, like any other person that you're about to talk to is just as scared as you are to talk to anyone else. So like just strike up the conversation. It only takes you, you know, 10 seconds of courage to. Strike up that conversation. And then from there, like the ice is broken and you can start that conversation and same goes for online too.

Like if you wanna, you know, reach out to someone, I don't know, respond to one other stories, maybe they have like a story that's that you think is funny, like respond to that and strike up that conversation. That way there's a lot of different ways to do it. But, um, yeah, I think like I have also learned from other people.

That have been brave to kind of reach out to me who have, you know, either sent me voice notes or even sent like video messages. And I'm like, wow, that's so like thoughtful or that's so unique. And it just like starts that relationship and you just never know. Where the connections that you're building now can lead you.

And if you're trying to build a business, right, if you're wanting to build that successful business, you need to connect with other people and really expand your network. Because if you're trying to do it all on your own, it's just gonna be slow growth, right. Cause referrals and, and everything are so powerful and collaborating with other people.

So that's my advice. Just take that like 10 seconds of, of courage. Just do it. 

Danielle: and it's an amazing piece of advice because in the beginning, when I was just starting out, I thought it was like social media, social media, post, post, post, post show, passion projects, show what you're working on. And then I used to think like, oh, this is kind of like a slow growth.

Like I knew I wanted to go full-time at some point with my business, but I think I was focusing so much on just. Posting online and hoping someone will come across it, which yes. Is a good path to take post your stuff online. Don't be scared to do it. Don't be scared to show what you do online and show up authentically.

Not everything needs to look perfect. Like you said, you can respond to people, create those relationships and just. Show that you're interested in what they do. I think that creates beautiful relationships. If someone's a little uncomfortable in the beginning, just to go to a networking event like you, like, like, like you said, that's a really great way still to start building those relationships.

Referrals are important and I completely just dismiss that. Yeah. When I first started out, I truly did. And I just was so dead set on posting online. Then once I started to meet new people and I pushed myself outta my comfort zone, I went to a couple in the Toronto area and I was super thankful that I did because my circle grew people talk.

Then they say, oh, I love her work. Like, do you need somebody like that? And if someone asks about what you do or a service or a product that you provide, it is so crucial. And so obviously. When we feel lonely, it sucks, but we kind of have to push ourselves a little bit. Sometimes if it doesn't come naturally to us, at least if it doesn't come naturally that we wanna join or meet new people, that little nudge push is really, really great to, I always say it's better to be uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

And I know if I'm uncomfortable, something good is gonna happen. Of course, listen to your gut, but that good uncomfortableness that you feel sometimes is really, really great. , but I have a question for you when it comes to you and how you feel because you are. The head person, I'm sure you've got some people that help you out when it comes to planning these events and creating a community.

There's amazing things to every field. And then there's some harder points that we feel as well. Mm-hmm for you. What is the best part of running a thriving community that you've created? And one of the hardest parts 

Guest: that comes with it? Oh yeah. Okay. The best part is definitely. Their relationships. It's just what makes the journey so much more exciting and fun.

And for sure, meeting people who inspire me like crazy and, and, and also having people in our community that just really inspire me as well. I would say the hardest part is creating. A community. I, I think when I first started, I, like I said, I wanted to be a super inclusive community, but I don't think that we have to create, like, even if we want to have this community where everyone feels safe, everyone feels welcome.

It doesn't mean that we have to. Answer to everyone's needs, if that makes sense. So for example, when I first got started, I was hosting these events and then I would have people come up to you and be like, well, you should do a health and wellness event, or you should do a how to write a book event, or you should do a, this event, you should do that event.

And because I'm a people pleaser I was like, sure, yeah, let's do it. And I would host all these different events based on what other people wanted. And the thing was, it wasn't even the collective group. It was like, one person suggested that to me. And I was like, okay, I'm gonna do it. And so I think the hardest part is deciphering.

Really kind of nicheing into what are the type of people that I wanna serve still welcoming everyone. So still creating that inclusive community, however, you're marketing to a specific person. And I think that took me a really long time to figure out. And so the more kind of like niche you can be and just even like your branding and all of those things, and obviously like Danielle, you work with clients on this, on like, Figuring out, like, what is the vibe that you wanna put out there as far as your brand and the visuals and all of that.

And for me, it was like, okay, there's gonna be some people who don't resonate with my brand, even though I'm happy for them to be welcome, they don't resonate with that and they're not gonna like it. And that's okay. Like, I don't have to please, everyone. Like news flash, it's impossible. Like it's literally impossible to please everyone.

And if you go down that route, you are going to have a really difficult time. And I know I I've gone through phases too of being really overwhelmed and really confused because I was trying to. Be everything to everyone. And I couldn't, I just couldn't. And now realizing that there are communities out there for people that potentially don't resonate with my community, and that is okay.

Um, so that I think has been. Really hard for me. yeah. If I'm being honest and yeah. Negative comments or, or hurtful comments or emails that I think the biggest thing for me is anyone that misunderstands like my, my, and that happens character. And it happens because people don't know you, they do not know you and you can say something and they can completely misinterpret it.

And. Just the reality of this online space. You can say one thing that people will twist in a million different ways and misunderstand. Yeah. And so I think that is also challenging to me. It's like, I wish I could. Have them understand, but it's like, no, you 

Danielle: just, and you wanna respond to them sometimes a part of you feels like an urge to like stand up for yourself.

Yes. And then sometimes a part of you says, okay, just let it go. Because these people are gonna come and go. Like, let's just let it roll off my back because anybody in any, that's the part of it. Freedom of speech. We can say whatever we want, but there is a human behind the brand guys. Like we are human, we have feelings.

So yeah, sometimes you wanna say something back and then other times you're like, maybe I should. Let 

Guest: go. Yeah. And I think too, one of the things, and I actually did, I did a podcast episode on this and I, I posted something online. I think you might have commented on it actually just about competition and how I just, I did don't believe, I don't believe that we need to put other brands down or.

Even like, I see these things going viral of like people kind of making fun of different types of businesses or like different people and in order to elevate their own brand. And I personally just do not resonate with that at all. I, I think it's very hurtful. I don't think it's funny. I think it really creates this.

Competitive spirit within the business world that I don't like. I think that I don't think you have to, I talked about this on a recent podcast that I did. I think that you can sometimes collaborate with your competitors and it can be really amazing and healthy, and that can honestly be one. Best things that you can do for your business, because you're getting in front of each other's audiences, you are supporting one another, not only is that great for like cross promotion exposure, but it also is so refreshing to see two people that could be considered competitors talking with one another collaborating together.

I think it's amazing. However, if someone doesn't resonate with you, that's okay. You don't have to work with them. You don't have to collaborate with them. Putting them down or saying something hurtful about them, even if it's not a direct thing. Oh, the 

Danielle: passive aggressiveness. Yes. I know exactly what you're referring to.

Guest: yeah. I just think, you know, why, like, why can't we just support one another and again, we don't have to resonate with everyone else, but let's make it a like, go back to the, what I first was talking about. Let's make. Entrepreneurship, a safe space for everyone. And again, like I said, you don't have to resonate with every single other business owner, but why put each other down?

Like, why do that? Because I think that is what creates this kind of. Fear or I think that's why a lot of people quite honestly are scared of starting businesses because they're scared of that backlash and they're scared of being misinterpreted, like I said. Um, and I, I just think that also entrepreneurship is just a personal growth journey that you have to go on, but I'm really passionate about talking about this, cuz I think we just need to change the conversation and really support one another in business.

Danielle: Absolutely. And that's the great thing that, about what you just said though, although it's been one of the hardest parts for you and what you've witnessed, not only just for yourself, but you've seen it with other people and you do see the law online, like you said, like some people are just ruthless truly with what they say.

And then there are the people that are more passive about it, but they'll find a way to get under your skin. Like there's so many people out there that just have too much time on their hands or they just don't. Vibe, like you said with your brand and they feel like they need to comment about it and there's absolutely no need for it, but we can't stop what other people are gonna do.

It all comes down to how we can start handling that. And that is part of your, your journey and your business and putting yourself out there is hard because you know, there will be somebody that has thoughts about it. And especially if they don't know you, I mean, sometimes I can be very honest and sometimes I think people.

Find that a little odd, but I always find honesty as the best policy. I'm not gonna add fluff to something and I want the best for people. So I'm honest. So I think some people might find that different, you know, there's always something that somebody could find totally. And at the end of the day, we're all just working hard to create a life that we love and that can help other people as well.

And that's especially reflective of what you do. You. Create a community that helps people expand and grow personally and for their business as well. There's so many different, amazing things that you are doing. And then some people might just notice one little thing and decide to comment on it. Truly like there's so many hard parts, but I wanna thank you for opening up about that because I think almost anybody can relate to that in this type of world and digital media.

With that being said, though. Thank you so much for everything, your transparency, your tips. I'm glad you talked about this on a podcast episode. I think a whole podcast episode could be actually dedicated to something like that because it's something that we, we wanna collaborate. Some people are just more competitive in nature and it just truly like it's, it's a hard thing to distinguish and, and try to find your people.

So I'm happy you dedicated a whole podcast episode to that. Mm-hmm and I know. A direct way of where some people can find you, but I wanna ask you, where can everybody find you online and what are some upcoming projects or things that people can look out for? 

Guest: Yeah. Thank you so much. And thanks for opening up this conversation.

This was a lot of fun. So you can find me again. I have my own podcast. It's called business vapes collective. So you can find me there wherever you listen to podcasts. Um, you can also find us on our website at business babes, So we have free resources there. We have courses and programs and things like that.

And then you can find me on Instagram. My personal Instagram is Danny living life and my business Instagram is business babes, co. So that's where you can find me everywhere, online and coming up. Yeah, we are actually doing a workshop on specifically on collaboration. and so really figuring out, like, how can you collaborate with other entrepreneurs, other platforms, other people who really resonate with you to help you expand your business and help you to get more exposure, um, organically without having to, you know, try to go viral on, you know, TikTok or Instagram algorithm.

Exactly. So, yeah, creating like authentic. Connections. And then, you know, creating those collaboration opportunities. That's something I'm so passionate about. So we have a workshop coming up at the end of September. So if you hear this before, then, then come join us. It's gonna be fun. And you'll probably get a replay of it if even if it's past that date.

So yeah. Thank you so much. Thanks for having me. This is so fun. No 

Danielle: problem. And to everybody listening, all the links and usernames that Danielle mentioned will be below in the show notes. So stay tuned for that master class in that event. That's. Super exciting for people. Um, I think collaborating is super important in business, so that is gonna be super beneficial to anybody that goes and to some of the listeners that might attend.

Thank you so much, Danielle. 

Guest: Thank you, Danielle,

Danielle: for tuning into today's episode, we're always brewing us something new for all of you to tune into and love hearing from you. Our team over here on brewing a creativity would love it. If you joined our community in any capacity. Whether it be checking us out on Instagram at bring up creativity or leaving a review to help us better serve you as listeners.

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